Mostly you have been trained to be aware of actions that take place in the physical world.
If you pick up a piece of litter, it is picked up. If you leave the litter there, it stays there.
Discovering that your Being wears 5 Bodies, opens up 4 more domains in which you can create actions.
One classification of actions are called 'Speech Actions' because the action is made through speaking.
A Speech Action is an utterance that does more than state facts or descriptions. It carries an intention and has an effect, allowing language to be used to accomplish things beyond just conveying information.
Something that was not there before is created through your speaking. After the speaking, a new thing exists.
Developing conscious competence in Speech Actions opens a Doorway to the domain of 'magic' in so far as the term, 'Avra Ka Devra' is an Aramaic phrase understood to mean, "I create as I speak."
A Speech act is an utterance that not only presents information, but also performs an action. Examples of Speech Actions include:
- Request. To express a wish for a particular person or organization to do or stop doing a specified thing.
- Promise. To Take A Stand towards a particular person or organization to do or stop doing a specific thing.
- Apologize. To complete an error, or clear the slate, by sincerely expressing your pain about having done or not done a specific thing.
- Warn. Using fear or anger energy to empower a message about consequences of a specific thing is done or not done.
- Invite. To establish the condition that a doorway of possibility is open and that a person or organization is welcome to do or stop doing a specific thing.
- Declare. To say what is so in order to create a Story World that is held together with 'Is Glue'.
- Ask. Delivering a vacuum force of enquiry or curiosity or need regarding what is not known or not explained.
- Agree. To announce that you understand what has been communicated and that you are in resonance with its elements.
- Assert. Presenting a fact or a logical argument to an individual or group to convince them that the idea has your allegiance.
- Propose. To offer an individual or group a Possibility that also carries your endorsement.
You can make any of the above listed Speech Actions consciously to serve a conscious purpose, in which case your Speech Action creates High Drama to feed your Bright Principles or your Archetypal Lineage, or you can make these Speech Actions unconsciously to serve an unconscious purpose, in which case your Speech Action creates Low Drama to feed your Gremlin. (For more clarity about these details, please explore the Thoughtmap Of Possibility.)
Speech Actions are made of 3 components:
- Locutionary act: the words you speak and their literal meaning.
- Illocutionary act: the implied intent or purpose behind your utterances.
- Perlocutionary act: the actual effect your utterances have on the listener or listeners.
The concept of 'Speech Actions' was developed by philosophers J.L. Austin and John Searle, who argued that language is not just about describing reality, but can be used to perform actions that create new realities.
The logical approach to 'solving a problem' is to search for or try to create a 'solution'.
This idea that problems can be 'solved' may come from mathematics classes in school where you are given 'problems to solve' as homework or on tests. To get a good grade you try to find the one right solution to each problem, and then the problem is solved.
In the human world of Radical Responsibility, there is no such thing as a 'problem' until there is a person there calling the situation 'a problem'. When someone says, "There is a problem..." or, "I have a problem..." or, "We have a problem..." these statements are Stories created out of Is-Glue.
A skilled Story Maker can make a problem out of anything.
A Possibilitator learns to transform 'Problem Conversations' into 'Possibility Conversations' through making Proposals.
The particular kind of Proposal we mean is a Proposal that opens a Doorway to using a different story.
For example, you and your partner are riding your motorcycle through an unknown village in Vietnam and the motorcycle gets a flat tire. Your immediate impulse might be to create the Story, "Oh, no! We don't speak Vietnamese! We are stranded and helpless. We have a problem!" Your partner might offer the Proposal, "Gosh, how fortunate! We were not planning to stop in this village. Probably E.C.C.O. arranged this. Let us go introduce ourselves to the local villagers. Who knows what positive outcomes our new connections could lead to. Perhaps there is a villager who needs a few Euros worth of Dong to buy some medicine or new shoes for their kid!"
For example, you want to participate in a workshop or a training, but your rent is due and your electric bill and your phone bill, and without even telling someone else, you live inside of the Problem Story that you tell yourself, "I don't have enough money to do what I want..." If you tell this to your Possibilitator friend, they have a chance to make the Proposal,"This is so great! Finally, you admit your Problem Story! What a valuable opportunity! You have put the Poop On The Table. Now I can Propose that we create a Team of Possibilitators to use their Nonlinear creation forces to distill your Nonmaterial Resources and to heal your Energetic Blocks against being proactive, powerful, and successful!"
Since a Proposal is a creation, if someone makes a Proposal to you and you do not deal with it, the Proposal will hang onto you like an alligator on your ass, making it difficult to sit down to dinner or to go to bed with someone.
You may enact many diversionary or distractive actions in order to avoid being given a Proposal, because hearing a Proposal is like receiving a Summons or Warrant from the Police. The moment you receive the document, you have legal responsibility for responding to it. The same is true of a Proposal. The moment you receive a Proposal, you have the responsibiliy to handle it.
How can you elegantly and powerfully handle a Proposal? Narrow your response down to these 3 simple options and then do not hesitate to use one:
- Accept the Proposal. You say, "I accept your proposal."
- Decline the Proposal. You say, "I decline your offer."
- Make a modified Proposal that suits you better, or make an entirely new Proposal by saying, "I Propose... " and clarify your Proposal.
Being able to accept or decline a Proposal requires that you have the ability to decide, "Yes," or, "No." You may be surprised to discover how weak your current ability is to say, "Yes," or, "No." You might suddenly get tremendously afraid of feeling 'forced' to decide,"Yes," or "No," and be faced with the consequences. Perhaps you have seen this fear in others as they are given a Proposal and become weak, confused, or even petrified with fear.
Being able to make a modified Proposal, or an entirely new Proposal, depends on your ability to know what you want and to have the Balls to say it. This may require that you improve your Asshole Training skills, and/or your Possibility Arrogance, and/or the fierceness of your Inner Structure, and/or your Memetic Speaking skills, and/or your ability to Go Nonlinear. Fortunately, there are Possibility Teams meeting both online and in-person around the world who are available to support you on your Path.
There are three arenas for creating what you want:
1. Focusing on other people's feedback about what you should want.
2. Focusing on your understanding of what you want.
3. Focusing on what you want.
To make a Proposal you need to be able to say, "I want..."
because if you are going to hold space for a team, or a project,
and you think it is not polite to say "I want...",
then you won't be the Space through which the Bright Principles can serve your gameworld.
It is also crucial to know which 'I' is doing the wanting...
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.01
First, watch this TED video three times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vZXgApsPCQ
Then, for the next 100 days, make at least one proposal each day for things you want or would like to do or experience in order to explore your fear of rejection.
Document each Proposal in your Beep! Book, and with photos, videos, and reports on your Instagram or Blog site.
After making your 100th proposal, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.01. This Experiment is worth 20 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.02
Your first step in becoming a person who lives a life based on proposal-making is to Shift Identity into a Proposalizer. This experiment is a one-week journey during which you build out and learn to inhabit this identity of Proposalizer.
There are many activities you can engage in to do this type of identity-shifting work. We suggest that you undertake at least four of the activities below daily for the duration of the one-week journey:
- Begin each morning by looking in the mirror and greeting yourself in your new identity. "Hello, Proposalizer. It is good to see you. I propose we brush our teeth."
- End each day the same way. "Hello, Proposalizer. What a beautiful day of proposal-making."
- Wear a name tag that says your name with a comma after it and the word, "Proposalizer." For example, "Devin Gleeson, Proposalizer."
- Create a small stack of business cards that list Proposalizer as one of your occupational offerings and hand them out.
- Carry your Possibility Stone with you in your pocket every day, and when your finger "accidentally" knocks against it (this happens between 7 and 19 times per day), take it out and Declare, "I am a Proposalizer!"
- Begin every Zoom meeting by sharing your name and your new identity. "Hello, my name is Vera Franco, and I am a Proposalizer."
- Introduce yourself as a Proposalizer to at least three people per day.
- In the places on your social media account where you can add notes about who you are and what you do in the world, include that you are a Proposalizer.
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.02. This Experiment is worth 7 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.03
There are certain magical phrases that, once spoken, frame up the beginning of a proposal. If you have not yet trained yourself in the art of making proposals (few of us have), then you are on the Learning Spiral, and it is time to practice. As you begin practicing, it can be helpful to memorize a few simple, ready-made proposal-opening phrases.
In this experiment, start by memorizing the following 3 proposal-opening phrases:
- "I have an amazing idea! Let us..."
- "I propose that..."
- "How about we..."
If memorization comes slowly for you, then write down the 3 phrases on a piece of paper and keep them in your shirt or pants pocket so that you can review them regularly.
After you have acquainted yourself with these phrases, the next step is to bring them into your life. For one week, practice using each of these phrases at least one time per day when initiating a proposal. For example:
- "I have an amazing idea! Let us go for a walk on the beach in the evening. What do you think?"
- "I propose that we create a Possibility Team where we go through all of the experiments on the Proposals website. Does that work for you?"
- "How about we only eat raw vegetables for lunch this week?"
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.03. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.04
When you unconsciously complain—that is, when you complain without first declaring a designated, held space that is built for the purpose of consciously complaining—you engage in a form of Low Drama.
Walking into a room and saying, "GOSH, why is it so cold in here?" is a wonderful victim story that invites available rescuers to make a mad dash for the thermostat.
Saying to your partner, "We never cuddle anymore" rolls out the red carpet for all sorts of excuses, defensiveness, justification, and argument.
This experiment is about discovering that every Low Drama complaint is actually a Doorway to a High Drama proposal.
The first step in this experiment is simply to begin to notice when you are complaining. To do this, take out your BEEP! Book, and at the top of a blank page, write, "My Complaints." Then, for one week, every time you notice yourself complaining, stop yourself mid-complaint and write it down.
At this stage, don't worry about turning your complaints into proposals. Instead, just notice and capture in your BEEP! Book.
When the week is over, open to a new page in your BEEP! Book, and at the top, write "My Proposals." Turn back to your "My Complaints" page and look at the first complaint. Now, perform the alchemical act of transforming this first complaint into a proposal. For instance, if your first complaint was...
- "GOSH, why is it so cold in here?"
Your proposal might be...
- "I propose we turn up the heat. What do you think?"
When you have come up with your proposal, write it at the top of your "My Proposals" page. Then move onto the next complaint and repeat the process. Do this for your entire list of complaints.
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.04. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.05
I propose that if you have not completed the experiment in PROPOSAL.04 above, that you do that before attempting this experiment.
If you have already spent a week Noticing and capturing when you are complaining, then your ear will be well tuned to hear when you are about to complain. And if you have already practiced on paper transforming your complaints into proposals, then you will be well prepared for the alchemical act of doing this in real time.
For this experiment, you will vigilantly guard your speech against any complaints for an entire week. Whenever a complaint does arise in you, rather than expressing it the way you would normally express it (as a complaint), you will instead practice seeing it for what it is—a Doorway to a proposal—and you will make that proposal.
It may be helpful to share with the people you spend time with regularly that you are experimenting with turning your complaints into proposals and to ask them to let you know if they hear you complaining.
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.05. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.06
This is an experiment for you and your Possibility Team.
For your next meeting, plan whatever you would like for the space, but also invite the team to do an experiment with you around Proposals. The experiment goes like this:
During the first third of the Possibility Team, anyone can interrupt the space with a complaint at anytime. Complaints could be things like:
- "The space is too rigid."
- "There is not enough clarity."
- "I do not like the way you explained that."
- "Nobody wants to sit next to me, for some reason."
- "There is not enough fresh air in here!"
You get the picture.
The important thing here is that during this first third of the space, it is all about complaints. Proposals are strictly banned.
In the next third of the space, reverse this instruction. Now, there is no complaining. Instead, it is all about proposals. If something doesn't work for someone in the space, it is their job to make a proposal. Proposals might be things like:
- "Let us define the parameters of this exercise a bit more clearly."
- "I did not get it. I propose that you explain it again in a different way."
- "How about we all move our chairs closer together."
During the final third of the space, open up a discussion space to share and document insights. Some useful questions during this space include:
- What did you notice about the complaint space?
- What did you notice about the proposal space?
- Which Parts of you did the complaints come from? (Box, Gremlin, Archetypal Lineage, Bright Principles, etc.)
- Which Parts of you did the proposals come from?
- What were the energetic qualities of the space when it was about complaining?
- What were the energetic qualities of the space when it was about proposals?
- What worked?
- What did not work?
After the space is closed, write a two- or three-page article about the discoveries you made about complaints and proposals and how these impact a space.
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.06. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.07
As you begin to engage in the practice of making proposals, you may soon discover that when someone makes a proposal to you, the binary responses of either "Yes" or "No" create crude limitations on what is possible. There will be times when you could wholeheartedly say "Yes" if one element of the proposal were different, for instance, but because that one element is not different, you instead say "No."
Learning to make counterproposals opens up a world of Possibility that extends far beyond the horizon of the simple "Yes" and "No."
One of the easiest ways to initiate a counterproposal is by answering with a "Yes, and..." For example, if someone makes the proposal:
- "Let us spend the day at the beach today."
You might respond with:
- "Yes, and I would like to get there no later than 10am and leave no later than 3pm. Does that work for you?"
This week, your experiment is to practice bringing "Yes, and..." into as many counterproposals as you can. During this week, at least one time per day, instead of saying "No" to someone's proposal, negotiate your way to a proposal that actually works for you by using "Yes, and..." to say what you want and do not want.
When you have finished this, create a short, three- or five-minute video to share about the power of bringing "Yes, and..." into your conversations, and share it on social media, YouTube, and with your friends.
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.07. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.08
If you have completed the "Yes, and..." experiment in PROPOSAL.07, the game continues here.
The magical thing about learning to say "Yes, and..." is that you suddenly go from a world where there is only "Yes" or "No" to a world where you can "Yes, and..." your way into activities and circumstances far beyond what once was possible. This even means you can "Yes, and..." your way into brilliant Adventures.
For this experiment, propose to a friend and fellow experimenter that they join you for an hour-long walk with you. During this entire hour, you will both practice saying clearly what you want, making proposals, and then making counterproposals using the words, "Yes, and..." For example:
- "I propose that we turn right onto Mulberry Street."
- "Yes, and I when we turn right, I propose that we skip together instead of walking."
- "Yes, and I propose that we skip until we get halfway down the street, and then spend a moment in silence Being With each other."
- "Yes, and I propose the moment of silence last at least two minutes."
When there are no more "Yes, ands..." to be said, follow through with the proposal until the end. Then make the the next proposal.
Keep doing this for a full hour, and then spend 15 minutes debriefing about the experiment with your co-experimenter. What did you discover? What worked? What did not?
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.08. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.09
You have Five Bodies, a Box, a Gremlin, and a Being all ongoingly Noticing the world and the people around you. Often, your noticings can be communicated as pressure Feedback or Vacuum questions. What does this look like in action?
Say you are meeting with your team, and one member of your team is being quiet and not saying anything. Pressure Feedback would be telling the, "We are meeting as a team here and you are not saying anything." A Vacuum question might be, "What is happening for you that you are on this team with us in a meeting and you are not saying anything?"In this experiment, rather than turning your Noticing into Feedback or Vacuum questions, instead allow it to inform you in making a Proposal.
In the case of a person on the team not saying anything, you might instead make the proposal:
"I want your voice to be in the meeting. I propose that every 6 minutes, the team will pause for 30 seconds and give you space for saying anything you need to say. Does that work for you as a proposal?"
Practice turning your Noticings into proposals at least one time a day every day for a week.
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.09. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.10
If you have done the experiment in PROPOSAL.09, you have Clarity that every Noticing can be shifted from Feedback or Vacuum questions into making a Proposal.
In this experiment, spend the week Asking the people around you to give you proposals rather than offer you Feedback. When someone offers you Feedback, tell them: "Your Noticing is valuable to me, but I'm not doing Feedback anymore. Will you offer me a proposal for an experiment I could try instead?"
Doing this experiment for a week might provide you with more proposals for experiments than you can reasonably handle at once. Do not try to do everything. Instead, write down the experiments people give you and work through them one by one over time.
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.10. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.11
Some gold grows by giving it away. Making proposals, and the experiments described above and below, are exactly that kind of gold.
This experiment is about creating circumstances that allow you to give as much gold away as possible by delivering a two-day Workshop around making proposals. To prepare for your workshop, follow these steps:
- Open your calendar and select the dates of the workshop. The dates should be far enough out that people have time to learn about and sign up for your workshop but not so far out that your Gremlin and Box put you to sleep around the fact that you are planning a workshop.
- Find a venue where you can host the workshop.
- Come up with a name for your workshop. It could be, "Building Teams That Thrive Using Proposals," "Breathing Life Back Into Your Relationships," "The Art of the Proposal," etc.
- Make flyers for your workshop. These flyers should include the name of the workshop, dates, time, venue, cost, and how to register. Put these flyers on social media, telephone poles, bulletin boards, car windshields, at bus stops, in bowling alleys, on TeamUp, in yoga studios, and in coffee shop windows.
- Reach out to your Circle, your friends, your family, your family's friends, your friends' families, and strangers. Share about how learning to make proposals has impacted your life, work, relationships, projects, meetings, etc. Let them know about the workshop you'll be hosting, and propose that they join.
- Develop a workshop plan. Ask yourself, "What turns me on to share about proposals? What do I want people to really get? What are the proposal tools, practices, distinctions, and other areas of research that are most alive in my life right now?" Let these questions guide you. Keep in mind that if you are really in contact with your participants during the workshop, your plans will most likely change.
- Deliver the workshop.
- Create a block of three or five hours in the days following the workshop when you can write down what happened during the workshop, including insights, unplanned moments, new distinctions, new maps, new discoveries, new exercises, and what worked and did not work.
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.11. This Experiment is worth 7 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.12
How do you normally respond when you want something to be different?
Do you slob around in a Low Drama huff? With yourGremlin creating an endless stream of stories of how stupid the other people are and that if you were in charge then of course things would be quite different.
Realising that in any of these situations you could instead make a proposal, begins your shift into being a Person of Agency. Now throughout your life you can ongoingly make proposals and negotiate with the people around you to create the life and experiences that YOU want.
This experiment is to have an experience of changing something through a proposal. Find 3 people and propose to them that you go on a 2-hour walk with you to pick up garbage along the road with you. If they accept then actually make it happen and have the experience. If they don't: negotiate with them or find new people. Do this until you have had the experience of successfully proposing something and making a shift in the world.
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.12. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.13
Your Pearl is deep at the centre of your Being. Long ago you put it there for you to find. It is a message from you, to you. It contains instructions for your original assignment. i.e. what you came to Earth for.
Opening your Pearl is an Initiation completed during a Possibility Lab. If you want to do this process, please write to the Trainers before attending a Lab to see if it will happen in this particular Lab.
Once opened you can use Your Pearl to make Proposals.
This experiment is for once you've been to a Lab and opened your Pearl. It's to notice for an opportunity with a person or in meetings for your Pearl to speak and make a proposal. It could be a chance for you to complete part of your original assignment with these people.
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.13. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.14
Bright Principle are archetypal forces of nature such as Love, Transformation, Possibility, Clarity etc.
Each person carries a kind of resonance with a particular set of Bright Principles since their birth. Through the 'distilling your bright principles process' you can discover and jack into these principles so that you have access to them as resources for being your destiny in action in the world.
This experiment is for the next two months, consciously use your Bright Principles to make a proposal during a meeting.
- Notice an opportunity for one of your Bright Principles to move into the space.
- Suppose there is a need for Transformation in the space.
- Then, let the Bright Principle of Transformation flow through you and into the space in the form of a proposal.
- Do not let yourself get hooked by the Gremlins in the space who will naturally try to protect their Boxes from any change or Transformation.
- Keep your sword out and negotiate where needed.
- Take the space Liquid.
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.14. This Experiment is worth 6 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.15
Every person is connected to a particular Archetypal Lineage that they can put in service to the Village. These are nearly unlimited external sources of inspiration and energy that you can put to use in your projects.
We have discovered that there are 4 categories of Archetypal Lineage:
- Earth Guardian - protecting the earth and the boundaries and context of your gameworld.
- Village Weaver - being the invisible glue that connects the people of your village or gameworld.
- Gameworld Builder - visionaries who create new gameworlds out of nothing.
- Evolutionaries - the 'witches circle' or the shamans of the village providing the transformational processes necessary for individuals and the collective to continue to evolve.
All four of the lineage categories are needed for your gameworld to fly.
This experiment is to let your Archetypal Lineage make a Proposal in the next meeting of your gameworld. Notice where something from your lineage in missing in the space.
For example, as a Village Weaver you might notice that connection is missing from the space. You could then propose an Intimacy Cafe to bring people together.
Or are you an Evolutionary and notice that people are carrying resentments of one another? Then perhaps your proposal could be about a Poop on the Table process.
For the next 2 months, abundantly deliver Proposals that directly come from your Archetypal Lineage. It might help to practice Speaking From The Unknown.
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.15. This Experiment is worth 8 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.16
Outschool is a website where you can become a teacher in something that you love.
The fastest way to learn something is to teach it. So here's your chance.
You can build an entire life for yourself teaching the things that you love. Put an enormous amount of non-material value in the world and you will create an imbalance that the universe will need to fill. Think that you need money to survive? If so I propose you do the EHPs, create an imbalance and see what happens. Let us know.
This experiment is to get signed up on outschool.org, become a teacher and teach kids to make proposals.
How would your life have been different if from 8 years old you were able to make proposals about what you want? This is your opportunity to give the next generation a leg up.
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.16. This Experiment is worth 9 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.17
If you're leaving the "I need money to live" gameworld, then your challenge is to create so much Non-Material Value that an imbalance occurs. As Aristotle said "Nature abhors a vacuum". So the Universe will always fill an imbalance. For example, you might find new projects falling in your lap or $50 bills hidden as bookmarks.
One way to create Non-Material Value is to make evolutionary proposals. You might think you can only do this for projects who are asking for your services. Wrong! You could be putting out proposals to projects all over the world right now create insane amount of value in the process.
This experiment is to find an existing project and make an evolutionary proposals from the outside. See what happens and write a story about the effects.
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.17. In the PROOF field, please give the link to your published article.
This Experiment is worth 6 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.18
Modern Culture's gameworlds are centered around Hierarchy and Child Level Responsibility.
This does not stop you from making proposals to try to change things. You can make proposals to anyone.
This experiment is to make a proposal to your town council.
- Make a list of things that you would like to be different in your city, village or community.
- Go to the office of the mayor, or the town representative.
- Make an proposal to make proposals. You could say "I have some ideas for how we could run things better. Are you up for discussing bringing them into action?"
- Then pick one of your proposals and take it to the council office and make your proposal!
You could also do this with the board of directors of a school.
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.18. This Experiment is worth 6 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.19
A traditional Proposal opens the door to incremental change.
A ‘Transformational Proposal’ reinvents the Gameworld or person before you and serves as a doorway to new domains of exploration and discovery.
It's a clear authentic offer which, if adopted, establish an entirely new basis or context for a gameworld or a person's life.
You might think that the only ways you can respond to a proposal are 'Yes' and 'No'. In fact there is always the possibility of you making a counter proposal. Don't like what you are offered? Then don't be a Victim of that, instead making a counter proposal yourself.
Often people will make proposals to shift gameworlds, not realising that a Transformational Proposal is necessary for the gameworld to flourish. And of course, people's Boxes will avoid the Liquid States and descent into the Nothingness at all costs. This means that without your intervention gameworlds can themselves get stuck in a Box of their own.
This experiment is to notice people making proposals even if they are not aware that's what they are doing. Notice specifically for the times when they are making a proposal or trying to but when your Archetypal Lineage is telling you that deeper transformation is required. Then pull out your Sword and make the transformational counterproposal.
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.19. This Experiment is worth 6 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.20
Most of us live our lives inside a Box of reasons. There is a reason why you hang the washing out this way. There is a reason why you can't move to Japan. So life carries on and nothing changes.
Being Unreasonable means realising that reasons have little power over you. That you can become free from the manipulating power of reasons.
In every space and context there are those things that are considered reasonable and those that are unreasonable.
An Unreasonable Proposal blasts through the slew of reasons why something can't happen. It is an archetypal gesture about committing beyond the reasonable.
This experiment is to make an unreasonable proposal once a week for the next 3 weeks. Then actually do it even if other people don't do it with you.
You could start by noticing the reasonableness in the current context you find yourself in. Then blast through it!
After completing this experiment, please go to your free https://login.startover.xyz account and register StartOver.xyz Matrix Code PROPOSAL.20. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PROPOSAL.21
Another example of an Unreasonable Proposal is to make a Pirate Agreement.
Say you have been failing to get up in the morning for the past two weeks. And instead you just end up lying in bed, snoozing away your life. When the pain of this gets strong enough you can make a change. But how to actually keep to your commitment?
Well you could make a Pirate Agreement with a friend. You Become a Pirate and commit to doing something if you do not manage to complete the task. For example, "I propose that if I don't manage to get out of bed every morning this week I'll create a weeks worth of videos describing how to make a healthy routine for yourself." Pirate Agreements can involve forfeits or paying money to charity or you can come up with some other piratey method to make the commitment stick.
This experiment is to make the unreasonable proposal of a pirate agreement with a friend. Decide on your forfeit and shake hands physically or through the zoom screen. Do your commitment and notice how it changes you to keep to something for once in your life.
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Matrix Code PROPOSAL.22
A Proposal has its intrinsic Value from the Nonmaterial Value of the Processes involved, the Matrix being Built, the Power being Flowed, the new Possibility being Created, and so on.
At the same time, the inherent Value of the Proposal can be amplified by adding additional Possibilities into the Proposal. The amplification acts like a lever working against a fulcrum to deliver a greater force than the Proposal would have working without the additional Possibilities.
Adding amplified Value to a Proposal is referred to as 'leveraging' the Value of a Proposal.
Some of the ways to Leverage your Proposal's Value are:
- Create 'critical connections' between your 'community of practice' - your project and its Team - and other communities of practice. A 'critical connection' is a real connection over which Nonmaterial Value is exchanged.
- For example, people in the PM gameworld have established a 'critical connection' between the PM gameworld and the Global Ecovillage Network, with Tui Ecovillage in New Zealand, with John Croft of Dragon Dreaming, with Robert Fritz of Structural Thinking, with Starr Fuentes of the Curanderos, etc. We exchange Distinctions, Thoughtmaps, Possibility, Processes, connections, etc. The exchange of Value in a Critical Connection creates a field of influence for the emergence of Archearchy - in the same way that moving electrons back and forth along a copper wire creates an electromagnetic field that can be used for the emergence of electricity. This way to leverage your Proposal's Value is to create critical connections between communities of practice to create a field of influence for the emergence of next culture - Archearchy.
- Add in and clearly specify bonus synergetic outcomes from your Proposal that are not immediately obvious to the one you are making the Proposal to. These outcomes may be Nonlinear or Unreasonable Possibilities. As you make your Proposal, make extra efforts to clearly Paint each of the new Doorways you are opening up for them using Memetic Speaking or Memetic Writing in the domain of Experiential Reality.
- Add Legend Making to your Proposal by clearly landing stories of beneficial results experienced by yourself or others that came from accepting the exact kind of Proposal you are making.
- Legend Making is a set of skills that include Holding Space, Setting Context, using your Possibility Paintbrush to cause Experiential Reality to arise in your listener, calling in Bright Principles, and Navigating Transformational Space.
This experiment is to Leverage a Proposal and notice the effects. You could try with a personal proposal or one made by your gameworld to the world or to other gameworlds. Write down what you discover in your Beep! Book.
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Probably this proposal was not accepted.
One of the principles for making good Proposals is:
Timing is everything.
As you can see, she was busy looking at her phone, and the wind was blowing her hair into her face, so she could not even see what he was doing...
Plus, you never want to make a marriage proposal wearing short socks...
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code BELIEFSx.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!